CSR in other words is the corporate social responsibility for decisions and operations that are influential both on the community and environment. In particular, the term refers to the company’s policy and leading it in accordance with the ethical principles. What is more? CSR is a well thought strategy of engagement in the development of the previously mentioned community and environment, but also the support of the company’s employees. In order for CSR activities to bring benefits, it is necessary to ensure their consistency with the company’s communication strategy, good planning and long-term quality. Are you wondering how to accomplish the CSR operations internally in the company ? First and foremost, RETS uses special pro-employee practices, e.g. in the form of enabling employees to work remotely, being open to flexible working time or reduced employment. Each employee has got the same chances of development as well as access to education, trainings and support. Remember that such actions are beneficial not only for the employees but for the employers as well.
What is worth remembering? The fact that CSR activities should be consistent with planned public relations activities. The task of both is mainly leading to a significant increase in the value of the company and also to improve its competitiveness on the market! So, how can all assumptions related to corporate social responsibility be implemented and which of them are the most effective? The most commonly practiced activity is socially responsible engagement. We are talking here i.a. about social campaigns, educational programs, employee volunteering as well as the creation of special projects addressed to local communities. It should be noted that CSR activities addressed to business partners are at the same time building a positive relationship that has an impact on trust and definitely strengthens the position on the market. Such activities are carried out through, for example, the organization of training in the field of contacts with customers or sales management. What’s more? The increase in trust in the company is also influenced by pro-ecological activities! This is i.a. reduction of exhaust emissions or optimization of production processes.
Are you wondering whether it is worth spending time on social activities in the company, which can sometimes even involve additional financial outlays? We assure you that yes! Effective CSR mainly affects building a positive image of the company, which translates into better relations with customers. Many of them are more likely to use the services of a company that is socially engaged than to be passive in such matters! RETS also supports its employees by supporting their commitment. Given the direct impact of CSR on the company’s development and benefits in the long run, socially responsible enterprises and companies attract investors much more! Did you know that CSR also fosters the growth of a competitive advantage? It is especially visible on foreign markets, where compliance with responsible business standards is much more obvious, and in some cases even expected. Also, more and more Polish companies are convinced that CSR activities are valuable and it is worth implementing them in their company. All CSR activities should be well conceived so that they bring the most benefits, both for the people they are addressed to and for the company. A very good solution for this purpose is to use the consulting offer. Companies that deal with creating communication strategies in enterprises will help you plan effective CSR activities!