Quality Policy – ISO
Quality Policy – ISO
The Management Board of RETS Sp. z o.o., treats the provision of the highest quality services, taking into account environmental aspects and safe working conditions for all employees as the highest priority. Being fully aware that customer satisfaction and environmental care are the basic requirements for the effective functioning and further development of RETS Sp. z o.o. on the market, the precedent goal of the organization is to recognize customer needs and to provide high-quality services within the agreed time, striving for full customer satisfaction.
The precedent goals of IMS Policy are:
1. Improvement of work organization and management;
2. Control over the proper quality of services;
3. Meeting customer expectations;
4. Efficient, professional and friendly customer service based on the principles of respect for rights, mutual trust and credibility;
5. Improving the internal flow of information and conducting an appropriate information policy with the involvement of all employees;
6. Preventing accidents at work, occupational diseases and near misses;
7. Continuous improvement of activities in the field of occupational health and safety;
8. Improving qualifications and taking into account the role of employees and their involvement in activities for quality, health and safety at work;
9. Managing social and environmental problems specific to the company;
10. Gaining more trust and credibility as a socially responsible company;
11. Using only proven and reliable suppliers of goods, materials and services that meet high, defined quality requirements;
12. Timely and reliable execution of orders and services;
13. Taking actions in accordance with the applicable standards, legal regulations and organizational requirements;
14. Providing adequate resources and means to implement this Policy and its objectives.